Devon SRA AGM 2019
I have received the following items for discussion at this year’s AGM.
These proposals have been submitted in accordance with our rules.
Proposal 1: A new rule to be added
For new teams wanting to join the Mixed/Ladies Devon squash leagues but not enter in at the bottom division as they feel their team warrants a higher division the committee will assess the ability/quality of the squad/players list and then decide what league that new team would fit best in. This decision by the committee would be final and no team would be allowed to enter a division higher than division 1 as any team wishes to gain promotion to the premier league should earn that right.
Proposal 2: League Structure Change
Change the Premier division to teams of 3. It would be a full year for the Prem, not 2 seasons, each team playing home and away.
Proposal 3: League Rule Change
Given the gulf between the 1st and Prem League, teams winning Div 1 have the right to opt into the Prem League or not, rather than be forced to enter an elite standard league that they are incapable of competing in.
Further, that the bottom side in Prem can opt to stay up if they so wish, the exception being when the league might swell to more than 6 teams. Should the team winning Div 1 wish to exercise their right to promotion (assuming a league structure of 6 teams) then the team losing the Prem would be relegated keeping the league at 6 teams.
Proposal 4: League Rule Change
All matches in all leagues be the best of 5 games to 11.
I look forward to seeing you all at the AGM next week.
Yours sincerely
Adam Lings
Hon Sec