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AGM 2019 Proposals

AGM Posted on Thu, June 20, 2019 17:49:32

Devon SRA AGM 2019

I have received the following items for discussion at this year’s AGM.

These proposals have been submitted in accordance with our rules.

Proposal 1: A new rule to be added

For new teams wanting to join the Mixed/Ladies Devon squash leagues but not enter in at the bottom division as they feel their team warrants a higher division the committee will assess the ability/quality of the squad/players list and then decide what league that new team would fit best in. This decision by the committee would be final and no team would be allowed to enter a division higher than division 1 as any team wishes to gain promotion to the premier league should earn that right.

Proposal 2: League Structure Change

Change the Premier division to teams of 3. It would be a full year for the Prem, not 2 seasons, each team playing home and away.

Proposal 3: League Rule Change

Given the gulf between the 1st and Prem League, teams winning Div 1 have the right to opt into the Prem League or not, rather than be forced to enter an elite standard league that they are incapable of competing in.
Further, that the bottom side in Prem can opt to stay up if they so wish, the exception being when the league might swell to more than 6 teams. Should the team winning Div 1 wish to exercise their right to promotion (assuming a league structure of 6 teams) then the team losing the Prem would be relegated keeping the league at 6 teams.

Proposal 4: League Rule Change

All matches in all leagues be the best of 5 games to 11.

I look forward to seeing you all at the AGM next week.

Yours sincerely

Adam Lings

Hon Sec

AGM 2019

AGM Posted on Fri, June 14, 2019 06:11:12


To Devon Squash and Racketball,

This email is to confirm the notice given on 7th May 2019, of the 82nd Annual General Meeting of the Association, to be held on Tuesday 25th June 2019 at Newton Abbot Squash Club at 7.00 pm.

Please find below the agenda (print outs will be available on the night). If you need a copy of last years minutes or Jess Hefford’s report please email me.

If you have any items for discussion under Any Other Business, by the terms of the County Constitution I must also have details of these in writing (or email) by 12th June 2019.

May I remind you that each affiliated club is expected to have at least one representative present at the AGM, failing which a £20 charge will be levied, and added to the Devon League fees invoice for that club.

If you have any items of news or results would you please send them to me.

Information on next seasons League Structure will be forwarded by Alan Ford [Mixed League Secretary] and Alison Samuel [Ladies League Secretary]

The Agenda will be as follows:


Tuesday 25th June 2019 at Newton Abbot Squash Club at 7.00 pm.





Adam Lings.

Hon. Secretary.

Yours Faithfully,

Adam Lings

Hon. Secretary, Devon SRA.

AGM 2017 Outcome

AGM Posted on Fri, June 30, 2017 17:37:18


The AGM was held last night at Newton Abbot squash Club.

The outcome of this meeting is the following.

The proposal chosen by clubs was proposal B which is attached below.

This will also be online on the ninenil site.

Please look at the home nights and if you think they are wrong please let your admin know and get them to advise me.

There are no rules changes for this year.

There is also no Devon Shield event this year due to the amount of walkovers that were given last year.

There will only be a Devon Cup Main & Plate for both Squash & Racketball.

This is for the top 8 finishing clubs from last season.


Alan Ford

Mixed League Secretary

AGM 2017

AGM Posted on Thu, June 22, 2017 11:28:20

The Devon SRA AGM will be held at Newton Abbot Squash Club on Thursday 29th June at 7pm.

Please remember there should be a representative for your club that attends.

We have just had the pre AGM meeting and at present there are no rule changes being taken to the AGM.

It was also decided at the meeting that this year the Devon Shield Competition will not run.
There were a lot of walkovers being given last year and therefore this year there will be no Qualifying round or Devon Shield.

The competitions will be:
Devon Cup & Plate in both Squash & Racketball.

As normal this will be the top 8 finishing clubs from last season.

AGM 2016

AGM Posted on Fri, July 01, 2016 11:13:42

The 2016 AGM was held last night at Newton Abbot squash Club.

There were 2 rule changes to the Devon Leagues.

1. It has been agreed to reduce the number of matches from 3 to 2 that a nominated player needs to play. However this will now apply to both Squash & Racketball.
Nominated players for Racketball will now need to play their matches!

2. The Infrequent player rule will now also apply to Racketball. This will be changed online and you can check eligibility using one of the score cards.

Changes to the Devon Cups.

1. Devon Cup and Shield Squash to be changed. All clubs to go into
one event to start off! (15 at present)
Then it will split into two events. The seeding’s will be taken as normal from
last years placement in the Devon Leagues. The computer will pick the seeded
pairs to play each other automatically. The first qualifying round will need to be played
to 15. This is due to the fact that the score card will need to be entered online.
Winners go into the Devon Cup in a new Main & Plate draw and the Devon Shield will only have a Main draw. A plate will be run
just for the Devon Cup and Not the Shield.

2. You will now have to use the score cards to enter results for competitions. Also we have added the Cup rule to the eligibility check. This is the same way to check you league players for team matches except you need to click on a Cup match score card first!!! If you don’t check before playing and it comes up that the player doesn’t qualify then you will be deducted points automatically and the other team may be given the win due to the change in points.
Below is the Cup rule which has been changed to make it easier to understand.

New Rule for Cups as discussed in the February meeting: 2a, To qualify to play in the Cup and Shield competitions
from the quarter finals.

All nominated Players on the player
registration list must have played 2 league matches for their own team before
the quarter finals of the competition & later rounds at least 3 league

matches are not to be included. The dates used for the Eligibility check online
are: For the quarter finals it is the first day of the Cup week in December and
the later round is the first day of the February Cup week.

All reserve players above the 1st Teams
Nominated No. 5 player must have played 2 league matches before the quarter
finals of the competition & later rounds at least 3 league matches for the 1st team.

This rule is
relaxed for all reserve players ranked below the clubs 1st Teams Nominated No.
5 player.

Such players
must have played at least 2 league matches before the quarter finals of the
competition & later rounds at least 3 league matches for any of the Clubs
Devon League teams.

being entered into a squash competition must have played the relevant Squash
League matches (Not including Cup Matches or Racketball League matches) to

being entered into a Racketball competition must have played the relevant
Racketball League matches (Not including Cup Matches or Squash league matches)
to qualify.

3. The Competitions online will shortly be changed. He are the things that will change to make it easier.

Adding the button
on the competition score card (copy scores from other score card) Like it is on
the league score card.

Bleeding the
Competition fixtures into the league calendar so that it goes in to the appropriate
place for both teams to see. Also Bleeding into the list for the Admin to see
when logged in. At present when logged in as Admin you see all the fixtures of
your club, the competitions would need to be added to this list as well.
Hopefully then they will notice the competition more. Also having the Event
under the fixture so that it shows the event i.e. Devon Cup or Devon Shield

Also when
bleeding into the league calendar, allowing the input of the score card for the
competition like the league does at the moment. Keep as well the way you can
input now to the competitions through the competitions page when logged in. So
there is two ways to input.

Changing the drop
down list for competitions to a page format with ? 20 competitions per page
with the newest at the top. Older ones will eventually go to the next page.

Alan Ford

AGM 2016

AGM Posted on Fri, July 01, 2016 11:13:15

The 2016 AGM was held last night at Newton Abbot squash Club.

There were 2 rule changes to the Devon Leagues.

1. It has been agreed to reduce the number of matches from 3 to 2 that a nominated player needs to play. However this will now apply to both Squash & Racketball.
Nominated players for Racketball will now need to play thier matches!

2. The Infrequent player rule will now also apply to Racketball. This will be changed online and you can check eligibility using one of the score cards.

Changes to the Devon Cups.

1. Devon Cup and Shield Squash to be changed. All clubs to go into
one event to start off! (15 at present)
Then it will split into two events. The seeding’s will be taken as normal from
last years placement in the Devon Leagues. The computer will pick the seeded
pairs to play each other automatically. The first qualifying round will need to be played
to 15. This is due to the fact that the score card will need to be entered online.
Winners go into the Devon Cup in a new Main & Plate draw and the Devon Shield will only have a Main draw. A plate will be run
just for the Devon Cup and Not the Shield.

2. You will now have to use the score cards to enter results for competitions. Also we have added the Cup rule to the eligibility check. This is the same way to check you league players for team matches except you need to click on a Cup match score card first!!! If you don’t check before playing and it comes up that the player doesn’t qualify then you will be deducted points automatically and the other team may be given the win due to the change in points.
Below is the Cup rule which has been changed to make it easier to understand.

New Rule for Cups as discussed in the February meeting: 2a, To qualify to play in the Cup and Shield competitions
from the quarter finals.

All nominated Players on the player
registration list must have played 2 league matches for their own team before
the quarter finals of the competition & later rounds at least 3 league

matches are not to be included. The dates used for the Eligibility check online
are: For the quarter finals it is the first day of the Cup week in December and
the later round is the first day of the February Cup week.

All reserve players above the 1st Teams
Nominated No. 5 player must have played 2 league matches before the quarter
finals of the competition & later rounds at least 3 league matches for the 1st team.

This rule is
relaxed for all reserve players ranked below the clubs 1st Teams Nominated No.
5 player.

Such players
must have played at least 2 league matches before the quarter finals of the
competition & later rounds at least 3 league matches for any of the Clubs
Devon League teams.

being entered into a squash competition must have played the relevant Squash
League matches (Not including Cup Matches or Racketball League matches) to

being entered into a Racketball competition must have played the relevant
Racketball League matches (Not including Cup Matches or Squash league matches)
to qualify.

3. The Competitions online will shortly be changed. He are the things that will change to make it easier.

Adding the button
on the competition score card (copy scores from other score card) Like it is on
the league score card.

Bleeding the
Competition fixtures into the league calendar so that it goes in to the appropriate
place for both teams to see. Also Bleeding into the list for the Admin to see
when logged in. At present when logged in as Admin you see all the fixtures of
your club, the competitions would need to be added to this list as well.
Hopefully then they will notice the competition more. Also having the Event
under the fixture so that it shows the event i.e. Devon Cup or Devon Shield

Also when
bleeding into the league calendar, allowing the input of the score card for the
competition like the league does at the moment. Keep as well the way you can
input now to the competitions through the competitions page when logged in. So
there is two ways to input.

Changing the drop
down list for competitions to a page format with ? 20 competitions per page
with the newest at the top. Older ones will eventually go to the next page.


Alan Ford